

My friend Petra came to Berlin today from Sweden... Now the triangle is complete. Me, Franco and Petra sharing, not just the fact that we all are friends, but also the common memories that we have, as a trio.

Petra fulfills the childish, sissy, girly edge of the triangle. Let's call it the coral/orange corner.

Franco fulfills the humorous, sensual-erotic and multifaceted edge of the trianle. Let's call it the barbiepink corner.

I..... well I guess there would be no triangle without me... But the fulfillment I get from these people is amazing :)

But we all come in different shapes...and this triangle in particular is, maybe, just one of the many forms and constellations that I/(all of us) have in my life...

Maybe I'm gonna have a monogamous relationship in the future, and thus form another constellation...

Maybe I'll be alone one day.....

Maybe I'll have five kids one day......and form a different connection...

Well anyway...

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