
Vad fint av dig, by SteffyPop

 Jag ser dig




Jag ser dig växa

Vad du har vuxit

Vad du är duktig

Sånt leende

Så självgående

Jag avundas dig

Vad fult det är

Vad ful du är





Jag ser ner på dig.

Jag ser på dig

Som jag ser mig

Jag älskar dig

Vad kul du är!

Vad roligt vi hade!

Vad fina ni är

Tack fina du.

Tack snälla.

Jaa da

Hej då


From "Lichtenberg Figures", by Ben Lerner

I did it for the children. I did it for the money.

I did it for the depression of spirit and the cessation of hope.
I did it because I could, because it was there.
I'd do it again. Oops, I did it again.

What have I done? What have I done
to deserve this? What have I done with my keys,
my youth? What am I going to do
while you're at tennis camp? What are we going to do

with the body? I don't do smack. I don't do
toilets. I don't do well at school. I could do
with a bath. Unto others, I do
injurious, praiseworthy, parroted acts.

Let's just do Chinese. Just do as I say. Just do me.
That does it. Easy does it. That'll do.