In God’s world one can move mountains,
In the real world one can NOT economy
Please only friend, return home so we can be sewage together!
Be someone’s lover or child; keep someone’s dream of greatness alive!
Come on thou allmighty! Tell me…
Isn’t it a talent to see and recognize the talents of others?
-Do make a career out of idleness, just get that cash!
-Don’t burn books, burn passports!
Behind every great fag, there is a great fag hag.
In God’s world (one's Ontology) - one can red-carpet as well
The greatness of words. How do we know that?
Just read any source of the truth - any magazine.
Slightly tilting down, down the thousand lives of others
Constantly in subconciousness over videos and pictures
Pictures with out any moment to connect them to
Where they are in their billions – visualizations of ghosts.
We lack of sources and resources
We lack of sources and resources
We lack of sources and resources
Intoxicated and walking down more and more familiar paths in my mind.
Falling around and looking for the way to my self-awareness.
Life is not about work, it’s about staying clean.
It is an enjoyment being sick, having a dysfunctional aura around you.
You are being taken care of, just never let the Rules of Exception end.
Society will take care of you, and if they don’t then who cares right?
Make yourself sick, make yourself dysfunctional, make yourself unproductive.
Sodom City is where young Buddhas come to retire
Life is painful and society is powerful.
Be sick, be not what you see - but see - you are what you see!
Never let the Rules of Exception end!
And what about that shit about how the universe came to be?
As if something could never be created out of nothing?
Well guess what, it can and it does – all the time
We create something out of nothing all the time and believe that dogma!
Or do we believe in eternity?
The fag, the whore and the holy fist.
3 words times 3 meanings:
First eye – fertilize
Second eye – lullaby
Third eye – tells the lie
(def. from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lie: To lie is to hold something which one knows is not the whole truth to be the whole truth, intentionally).
(def. From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lullaby: A lullaby is a soothing song, usually sung to young children before they go to sleep, with the intention of speeding that process. )
(def. from: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fertilisation: Fertilisation (also known as conception, fecundation and syngamy) is the fusion of gametes to produce a new organism. In animals, the process involves the fusion of an ovum with a sperm, which eventually leads to the development of an embryo.)